Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Kolb's Learning Style Inventory

Survey (click here)

Try to take the above quick survey based on Kolb's learning style inventory.
It is designed to measure your strengths and weaknesses as a learner.

Experiential learning is conceived as a four stage cycle:

(1) immediate concrete experience is the basis for

(2) observation and reflection;

(3) these observations are assimilated into a "theory" from which new implications for action can be deduced

(4) these implications or hypotheses then serve as guides in acting to create new experiences.

The effective learner relies on four different learning modes: Concrete Experience (CE), Reflective Observation (RO), Abstract Conceptualization (AC), and Active Experimentation (AE).

(click here) See the accumulative results of this survey

According to Kolb’s model, ‘Divergers’ tend to favor concrete experiences and reflective observation. They are imaginative and emotional people who like to take part in activities that require idea generation. They like to take on learning experiences that allow them to take a single experience and move toward multiple possibilities. Thus, for the Diverger, activities such as brainstorming can encourage greater engagement and deeper learning.

Assimilators on the other hand have the most cognitive approach, liking to watch, think and act. They favor a more logical and concise learning approach. They tend to focus on ideas and abstract concepts and are attracted to logically sounding theories. They like organized and structured understanding. They prefer learning experiences that include lectures (with demonstrations), readings, and having time to think logically. They will also learn in discussions that are logical and thoughtful.

Converger’s tend to be solitary, preferring to take on problems with a practical application. They seem to like situations with a single correct answer, and tend to focus on specific problems or situations (Danish & Awan 2009). According to Chapman (2003-2010) they are more attracted to technical tasks and problems. They like to experiment with new ideas, to simulate, and work with practical situations.

Accomodator’s are completely opposite to Assimilators. These kinds of learners prefer hands-on experiences, and according to Chapman (2003-2010) they prefer intuition, rather than logic. They tend to take creative risks, and be quite flexible with change. They have a strong preference for doing, rather than thinking. They tend not to like routine, and rely heavily on others for information and analysis.

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Revised March 6, 2012
©2000 Steven Mondy
First Published, 2000
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